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Welcome to St. Mary's PTA!

St Mary's is lucky to have a very active and involved PTA which is well-supported by the school staff and parents alike. It is currently made up of several parents who have children in the school. We hold meetings once a term, sometimes more often if there is a big event coming up, but they are always welcoming and friendly occasions, usually held at a local pub in town in the evenings.

The PTA put on events such as the Autumn & Spring Shows, Christmas Fair and other smaller events throughout the year, from second hand uniform sales to selling ice creams in the playground in the summer!

Facebook PTAOur big fundraiser at the moment is our Playground Project, we are trying to replace all the large playground equipment in the school. We are always looking for new and exciting ways to fundraise and love to see new faces, so please feel free to come along to a meeting, or join our facebook group to keep updated about our events and news.

Spring Show


Christmas Fair

 Autumn Show