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Reading at Home and at School

In Reception, 1 and 2 the system will be: 

Reading books will go back and forth from school daily 





Children will be given a RWI Book Bag book: 

Your child will also have a RWI book which they bring home for the week- this is the book they are learning to read from in school.  


The children will also have access to a free choice book from their class reading trolley-please share this book with your child 


 Books will be changed each week on a Monday. Please re-read the books daily- praising your child’s development of fluency and understanding of the story.  

In years 4,5 and 6 the system will be:



Children will have an Oxford Reading tree book and a book of their own choice from our reading trollies.   

Children can read the books at home and then they must bring them into school each day. 


Adults and children should record their reading in yellow reading records.  




Books will be changed when they are they are finished as shown on their boom Reader log.  

Boom Reader App

Boom Reader (formerly Go Read) is our new App to allow you to log your child's reading electronically. After listening to your child read, simply log the reading you have done on your phone. We can then analyse the children's reading habits and set rewards. 

Phonics- Read, Write Inc. 

We use Read Write Inc. at St. Mary's to teach our pupils the sounds they need to learn to read. We use the bookbag books to support the children's home learning. You can support your child with learning the sounds by using the resources below to practise. 

Dorset Library Service

Dorset Council Library buildings may be closed, but they have updated their web pages to reflect what libraries can offer to people at home, even if you can’t visit an actual library.  They are updating the pages regularly so make sure you keep checking to find out what’s new, what’s on offer, and what you can join in with.

Take a look yourself

It is essential that children are heard read as much possible right from reception to Year 6. Children need to read regularly to an adult to help improve fluency and expression, to enhance their understanding of vocabulary and to answer questions based on their reading to aid their understanding of what they have read.