Initio Learning Trust
St. Mary's Primary School is part of Initio Learning Trust, having transferred from The Minerva Learning Trust (Dorset) on 1 February 2023.
INITIO LEARNING TRUST - Legal entity and form of combination:
On 23 January 2023, the registered name of Wimborne Academy Trust (company number 09362004) changed to Initio Learning Trust.
Initio Learning Trust Company Number : 09362004
Registered office address :
Allenbourn Middle School, East Borough, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1PL
For Initio Governance information please follow the link below:
Initio Learning Trust - Governance
Financial and Corporate Information
Initio Learning Trust is the legal entity, being a company limited by guarantee (reference 09362004) and an exempt charity.
Please follow these links for Initio Learning Trust financial and corporate information: