Remote Learning
Spring 2: Home learning
Literacy home learning: Spring 2
Use the following lessons to write a newspaper report. Work can be completed and submitted on or using seesaw. If you wish to write on paper you can upload photos to seesaw.
Maths Spring 2 Home learning
Use the following lessons to learn about fractions. Work can be completed and submitted on seesaw. You could upload photos of written work if you wish.
Topic Spring 2 Home learning: The digestive system
Use the following lessons to learn about the digestive system. Work can be completed and submitted on seesaw. You could upload photos of written work if you wish.
Science Spring 2 Home learning: Teeth
Use the following lessons to learn about Teeth. Work can be completed and submitted on seesaw. You could upload photos of written work if you wish.
Maths term 3
Link to our maths lesson. These can be completed using seesaw.
Literacy term 3- this can be found on seesaw.
Topic term 3
Topic lessons on the link. These can be completed in seesaw
Science Term 3
This is a link to our science this term. This is also on seesaw where you can upload your work.
Work through the booklet to write a story
Addition and subtraction (focus on lessons 6,7,8,9)
Topic- Mountains and rivers
We are now focusing on Rivers
Work through these lessons on the water cycle